Corporate Membership

Corporate membership status is given to any organization, corporate or enterprise that is registered and operates within the Laws of Zimbabwe. Corporate membership is subdivided into 4 packages that are:

Platinum Partner

IoDZ is a non-profit making and a nonpolitical membership organisation whose primary objective is to promote goodcorporate governance and enterprise in all organisations through advocacy, director, and executive training, as well as other activities.

Platinum Partner is the highest corporate membership category that can be bestowed on a corporation by the Institute of Directors Zimbabwe (IoDZ). Corporate Members are readily identified with the objectives and values of the IoDZ, especially in the promotion of good corporate governance and quality in the direction of companies, organisations and business generally.
We have great pleasure in providing information in respect of this category of membership.

SECTION A: Platinum Partnership has the following objectives:      

  1. To contribute towards the procurement of Information Technology hardware and software, as well as provideinfrastructural support to the IoDZ.
  2. To contribute to the development of the IoDZ Resource Centre.
  3. To contribute towards the IoDZ image enhancement.
  4. To support the recruitment of qualified and competent personnel to the IoDZ.
  5. And, generally, contribute toward the operational costs of the IoDZ.

SECTION B: The benefits of being an IoDZ Platinum Partner are as follows:

  1. An IoDZ Recognition Certificate.
  2. Your company logo or roll-up banner (supplied by member) is displayed at the IoDZ offices.
  3. Your company banner (tear drop) (supplied by member) is displayed at the IoDZ premises.
  4. IoDZ will conduct in-house Corporate Governance training at the request of the Platinum Partner at discounted
  5. Enjoy one complementary corporate governance continuous professional development for all your 5 directors
  6. IoDZ will provide Director Search for new directors for your board on your instructions at no additionalcost, to ensure you find the best person for the job while achieving the optimal skills balance for theboard as a whole.
  7. Up to three representatives are invited to IoDZ functions held to brief Platinum Partners on IoDZ developments.
  8. Receive seven complementary copies of the IoDZ quarterly magazine when in production (subject to review).
  9. Up to seven Executives or Directors can attend IoDZ functions and director development courses on payment ofdiscounted membership rates.
  10. Banners are mounted at IoDZ functions in a bid to promote your corporate image and products.
  11. You will receive direct communication on IoDZ programmes.
  12. As a Platinum Partner you have the first right of refusal in respect of the Director of the Year Awards
  13. Platinum members will be invited to IoDZ training workshops and membership functions such as DOYA,luncheons, breakfasts amongst others, providing opportunities for networking with other directors and company
  14. IoDZ is a founding member of the African Corporate Governance Network (ACGN), a membership body ofInstitutes of Directors on the African continent whose main objective is to promote good corporate governanceon the continent. As a result of IoDZ’s membership, any five executives or directors on production of an IoDZcard/membership confirmation are entitled to enjoy membership benefits when visiting any country of an ACGNmember as if they were members of the IoD of that country.
  15. IoDZ is also an Affiliate of IoD in the UK, which entitles its members to membership benefits in the UK, onproduction of an IoDZ card/ membership confirmation.
  16. Additionally, being a Platinum Partner of the IoDZ provides you with an opportunity to invest in good corporatecitizenship by promoting sound corporate governance and sustainability programs driven by IoDZ.

SECTION C: Promotional Opportunities  

  1. Platinum member’s logo on IoDZ website redirecting to the corporate member’s website
  2. 2 mass mailing slots per month
  3. 2 governance related articles from member directors in the Zimdirector magazine
  4. Social media marketing opportunities
  5. New product launch partner

Termination of Membership

Either party can terminate membership forthwith upon 30 days written notice. The invited party should clear any outstanding balances owed to the Institute of Directors Zimbabwe

Corporate Patron 

IoDZ is a non-profit making and a non - political membership organisation whose primary objective is to promote good corporate governance and enterprise in all organisations through advocacy,director and executive training, as well as other activities.

Corporate Members are readily identified with the objectives and values of the IoDZ, especially in the promotion of good corporate governance and quality in the direction of companies, organisations and business generally.

Benefits of Corporate Patron

  1. You receive an IoDZ membership recognition certificate.
  2. IoDZ will conduct in-house corporate governance workshops on request at discounted
    IoDZ will provide Director Search for a new director for your board on your instructionsat no additional cost, to ensure you find the best person for the job while achieving theoptimal skills balance for the board as a whole.
  3. Up to two members will attend IoDZ functions held to update Corporate Patrons ondevelopments in IoDZ;
  4. You will receive five complimentary copies of the IoDZ quarterly magazines;
  5. Up to five Directors and/ or Executives can attend IoDZ functions and/ or training
    workshops on payment of (discounted) membership rates.
  6. You will receive direct communication on IoDZ programmes and activities.
  7. IoDZ training workshops and membership functions such as DoYA, luncheons, amongothers, provide opportunities for networking with other directors and company
  8. IoDZ is a founding member of the African Corporate Governance Network (ACGN), amembership body of Institutes of Directors on the African continent whose mainobjective is to promote good corporate governance on the continent. As a result ofIoDZ’s membership, any five executives or directors on production of an IoDZcard/membership confirmation are entitled to enjoy membership benefits when visitingany country of an ACGN member as if they were members of the IoD of that country.
  9. IoDZ is also an Affiliate of IoD in the UK, which entitles its members to membershipbenefits in the UK, on production of an IoDZ card/ membership confirmation.
  10. Consultancy services are available for the development of a Board Charter; BoardEvaluation questionnaires; Code of Ethics; Shareholder Agreement and many more atdiscounted rates.
  11. Membership of IoDZ also provides the member organisation with an invaluableopportunity for investing in good corporate citizenship and identifying with thepromotion of sound corporate governance and sustainability programmes driven by the

Termination of Membership

Either party can terminate membership forthwith upon 30 days written notice. The invited party should clear any outstanding balances owed to the Institute of Directors Zimbabwe

Public and Parastatals

SECTION A: The benefits of being A Public and Parastatals MEMBER of the IoDZ are as follows:

  1. You receive an IoDZ membership recognition certificate.
  2. IoDZ will conduct in-house corporate governance workshops on request at discounted rates.
  3. IoDZ will provide Director Search for a new director for your board on your instruction sat no additional cost, to ensure you find the best person for the job while achieving the optimal skills balance for the board as a whole.
  4. Up to one member will attend IoDZ functions held to update Parastatals & Government Institutions on developments in IoDZ.
  5. You will receive two complimentary copies of the IoDZ quarterly magazines.
  6. You can participate on the the Future Director Program offered by the Institute depending on the size of your board and if you meet the selection criteria requirements.
  7. Up to three Directors and/ or Executives can attend IoDZ functions and/ or training workshops on payment of (discounted) membership rates.
  8. You will receive direct communication on IoDZ programmes and activities.
  9. IoDZ training workshops and membership functions such as DoYA, luncheons, among others, provide opportunities for networking with other directors and company executives.
  10. IoDZ is a founding member of the African Corporate Governance Network (ACGN), a membership body of Institutes of Directors on the African continent whose main objective is to promote good corporate governance on the continent. As a result of IoDZ’s membership, any five executives or directors on production of an IoDZ card/membership
  11. IoDZ is also an Affiliate of IoD in the UK, which entitles its members to membership benefits in the UK, on production of an IoDZ card/ membership confirmation.
  12. Consultancy services are available for the development of a Board Charter; Board Evaluation questionnaires; Code of Ethics; Shareholder Agreement and many more at discounted rates.
  13. Membership of IoDZ also provides the member organisation with an invaluable opportunity for investing in good corporate citizenship and identifying with the promotion of sound corporate governance and sustainability programmes driven by the IoDZ.

SECTION B: Promotional Opportunities

  1. Parastatals & Government Institutions member’s logo on IoDZ website redirecting to the member’s website.
  2. 2 governance related articles from member directors in the Zimdirector magazine
  3. New product launch partner

Termination of Membership

Either party can terminate membership forthwith upon 30 days written notice. The invited party should clear any outstanding balances owed to the Institute of Directors Zimbabwe

Small to Medium (SME) Membership

The benefits of being An SMEs MEMBER of the IoDZ are as follows:

  1. You receive an IoDZ membership recognition certificate.
  2. IoDZ will conduct in-house corporate governance workshops on request at discounted rates.
  3. IoDZ will provide Director Search for a new director for your board on your instructionsat no additional cost, to ensure you find the best person for the job while achieving the optimal skills balance for the board as a whole.
  4. Up to one member will attend IoDZ functions held to update SMEs on developments in IoDZ.
  5. You will receive two complimentary copies of the IoDZ quarterly magazines.
  6. You can participate on the the Future Director Program offered by the Institute depending on the size of your board and if you meet the selection criteria requirements.
  7. Up to three Directors and/ or Executives can attend IoDZ functions and/ or training workshops on payment of (discounted) membership rates.
  8. You will receive direct communication on IoDZ programmes and activities.
  9. IoDZ training workshops and membership functions such as DoYA, luncheons, among others, provide opportunities for networking with other directors and company executives.
  10. IoDZ is a founding member of the African Corporate Governance Network (ACGN), a membership body of Institutes of Directors on the African continent whose main objective is to promote good corporate governance on the continent. As a result of IoDZ’s membership, any five executives or directors on production of an IoDZ card/membership
  11. IoDZ is also an Affiliate of IoD in the UK, which entitles its members to membership benefits in the UK, on production of an IoDZ card/ membership confirmation.
  12. Consultancy services are available for the development of a Board Charter; Board Evaluation questionnaires; Code of Ethics; Shareholder Agreement and many more at discounted rates.
  13. Membership of IoDZ also provides the member organisation with an invaluable opportunity for investing in good corporate citizenship and identifying with the promotion of sound corporate governance and sustainability programmes driven by the IoDZ

Termination of Membership

Either party can terminate membership forthwith upon 30 days written notice. The invited party should clear any outstanding balances owed to the Institute of Directors Zimbabwe